Crispy Tofu

Crispy Tofu

If you are like me and get excited about that extra crunch when it comes to food, you’ll like this plant based protein option for soups, salads and stir fries. Tofu can be a great added protein, especially  for women in menopause as it eases the transition. Soy...
The Secret Is Out

The Secret Is Out

The secret is out!  Actually I have a few secrets up my sleeve that I want to share! After a lot of soul searching and listening to my heart IT’s OFFICIAL ! I am enrolled in the 2021 Culinary Nutrition Expert Program and will be certified as a Culinary Nutrition...
White Fish Tacos

White Fish Tacos

Easy Peasy Fish Tacos Adapted by Delish I am always thinking of ways to get some healthy omegas onto my plate. Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a type of fat that is essential to your brain and nervous system. They are also good for your heart because they lower triglycerides...

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