If life has got you feeling down, and you are feeling like you are just going through the motions, and not fulfilled could it be you are not living out your passion and doing the very thing you were created to do?

If there has ever been a time to reflect on what makes us truly happy it’s NOW. The pandemic of 2020 and beyond has forced us to really sit with our feelings without the many distractions presented to us by western culture. It has given us a unique opportunity to examine what we really want.

Or what we don’t want. It may also be a time of utter confusion and loss. We may realize the job we have , the relationships we are in, and the state of our health that we find ourselves in,  is not where we want it to be. But if this isn’t what we signed up for, then what next ? What is my passion you may ask? How do I know what I am meant to do?

For me, 2020 presented itself with more challenges than just lockdowns and safety protocols. As if the uncertainty of it all wasn’t scary enough,  my husband of almost 28 years was diagnosed with colon cancer that required chemo and surgery. With only 6 months to enjoy the all clear from cancer  he was diagnosed again with a recurrence that we were told was metastatic with a poor prognosis..Fast forward to today, prayers were answered and it turned out to not be as serious. He is currently recovering well from a colon resection to remove a few cancer cells and will likely not need chemo. We are beyond grateful.

It was this life altering diagnosis and huge scare that shook me to the core and forced me to re-examine what really matters and truly makes me happy. Life is meant to be lived NOW. No time to lose as we never know what tomorrow will bring. I let go of a few things on my plate and let go of that stale energy.  I made time for some soul searching and allowed  some exciting new energy to flow into my life.

I can now say I am on to something and have some exciting news to announce soon. I thought about what makes me come alive and feel happy. I did some journaling along with some praying and dusted off a favorite read of mine by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood called The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Destiny. The book offers some amazing tools to help you find what makes you tick.

You can take your own test here The Passion Test

Here are six questions to ask yourself and to get you started on that path of finding your passion !

  • What activities/hobbies did you love to do as a child?
  • What are you good at ? What comes easy for you? What compliments do you receive often?
  • For what advice or expertise do your friends and family come to you for?
  • What takes little effort and motivation for you to do?

I would love it if you shared what AHA moments you experienced during these crazy times and if you have found what truly jazzes you and lights you up. Please share as well what helped you arrive at this wonderful and exciting chapter in your life!





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