Up Your Midlife Mojo

How you can work with me
You take care of everyone. You are a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a sister, a daughter, and friend to many. But what about taking care of yourself. Self-care is a divine responsibility and absolutely necessary if we are to show up in the world for others and THRIVE.

You want to get out of bed like you used to, feeling refreshed, and ready to conquer the world. But you just don’t have the MOJO. You end up stumbling through the day knowing you could change the world and make a difference and be so much happier if you could just feel more like yourself again. If you could only feel more alive.

I get it. I spent my 30’s and 40’s I didn’t have the healthiest habits and I was feeding my body like I was going to be around forever. What I didn’t know back then was that if I fed my cells with the proper nutrition I could make leaps and bounds (literally) in my health and in my life. Not only was I not always intentionally feeding my one and only God given body, my temple, with nutrient dense whole foods, I had not tapped into the power of cellular nutrition.

Think about it, we are made up of trillions of cells and if our cells are happy and healthy we vibe at a high frequency! At age 42 I was building an event planning business, I was a devoted wife and I was raising two young children, and juggling life. I needed some MOJO. My cells were screaming for more.
Ask and it is given.

I was introduced to a global tribe of healthy and empowered individuals who embraced all things healthy. I adapted a truly heathy lifestyle and haven’t looked back. Today I am in my early 50’s and can say I feel more vibrant now than when I was in my thirties.

My passion now is to inspire and support other Midlife women like YOU to feel their best and to Live to Thrive. I would love to share what has worked for me. If you are looking for:

A healthy lifestyle Healthy weight release Reduced inflammation in the body
More energy and vitality Even moods Improved memory
Glowing skin Less hot flashes Improved joint pain
Strong immunity Improved sleep
  • A healthy lifestyle
  • More energy and vitality
  • Glowing skin
  • Strong immunity
  • Healthy weight release
  • Even moods
  • Less hot flashes
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced inflammation in the body
  • Improved memory
  • Improved joint pain
Then let’s talk. Connect with me for a
COMPLIMENTARY 15 minute consultation.

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