I just love the month of December! It’s my birthday month so it makes it extra special. Then there’s Christmas and New Year’s and all the festivities with friends and family to look forward to. There are pies and chocolates and good wine and succulent turkey with all the trimmings. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

But all good things must come to an end. And lets face it, it’s not always as easy to end that vicious cycle that comes with eating rich foods, drinking egg nog and fancy cocktails, and indulging in all those festive treats.

Eating high glycemic foods that include processed sugar and carbs can spike our blood sugar, cause inflammation in the body and in turn leave us with low energy, dull skin and hair, belly fat, bloating and those relentless cravings for more of the food that makes us feel less than our best selves. Here are five of my top life hacks on how to RESET your health and your nutrition.

So what do we do to get off that train so we can feel amazing as we start a brand new year?

The Present-day YOU

Identify how you are feeling right now and write it down. Describe in detail your aches and pains and other symptoms you might be experiencing. Are you feeling bloated after every meal? Do you have trouble with your digestion? How are your bowel movements? Are you constipated? Do you feel dehydrated? Are you moody and sluggish? There is power in trakcing where you are right now on your journey. You will love going back to this journal entry one day to see how far you have come. Its also a great reminder of WHY you want to make changes.

The Future YOU

Write in the present tense a vision of a healthier YOU. Make it as detailed as possible and write it as if it has already happened. How do you feel in your body and in your soul? Who are you with? What are you doing ? What are you wearing? Creating a vision of the future YOU is extremely powerful. Post it where you can read it often.

Out With the Old

Clean out your cupboards! Remove all foods that are processed such as crackers, white rice, surgary cereals, foods made with enriched white flour will spike your blood sugar. The less you eat of these foods the less you will crave them.

In With The New

Aim to fill your kitchen with living foods. Anything that grows on trees or in the ground will be a good choice. Avoid the insdie aisles of the grocery store and go for the color of the rainbow. Choose organic grass fed beef and dairy and free range eggs and poultry if possible.

Be Real

Don’t seek unrealistic goals. Start with small steps. Be kind to yourself and dont expect perfection. If you fall off track, move on and start again the following day. Make your goals about health and wellness, not about a number on the scale. Seek to follow a lifetstyle and not a diet. Diets always have a beginning and an end.

It Takes Five Days

Are you not sure where to start? I have this 5 day program that has literally been my go to every year for the last decade. I do the 5 Day RESET a couple times per year to get me back on track. Its a wonderful jumpstart to healthier eating. It is designed to stabalize your blood sugar and feed your microbiome and your cells with top rated meal replacements, supplements and probiotics. The average weight release is 4.5 pounds. By Day 5 the bloating is gone, your skin is glowing and most importantly you have lost the cravings! You are well on your way to heathier eating. You can order here for 10 % off the wholesale price and get it shipped right to your door. We have a group beginning every Monday in January. The program comes with free coaching from your truly. I have coached hundreds of women and men over the last ten years. You also can join our 5 Day Reset community .


The greatest wealth is health – Virgil.

I would absolutely love to hear from you. What are your wellness goals for 2020? What do you struggle with? Please connect with me if you need support. Meanwhile 2020 is well underway and if you are readng this you are well on your way to a fabulous year!!

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